Happiness, according to Tolstoy, is being with nature, experiencing it and conversing with it, in an active relationship which changes the land, making it greener, making it ours.
Gardentopia is for forgotten and deserted areas, in the suburbs and those places on the margins of the city centre, without tourism and social interaction; it is a green utopia for transforming these forgotten places into flowerbeds, gardens and vegetable gardens accessible to all residents. The project reaches out to all residents, and is coordinated by the artistic director Pelin Tan, international artists and landscape gardeners, who will work side by side with the community and local people.
Workshops, talks and events on different topics held during the Gardentopia days will take place in the gardens of Matera and across Lucania (the old name for Basilicata). The project will create a festival spirit to raise awareness about urban regeneration and make as much progress as possible towards this ambitious goal, to develop a greener Matera that everyone can enjoy.
Curator: Pelin Tan, Turkey
Anton Vidokle, Russia/USA
Atelier delle Verdure, Italy
Emily Jacir, Mediterranean
Errands, Greece
Futurefarmers, USA
Jeanne van Heeswijk, Holland
Leone Contini, Italy
Luigi Coppola, Italy
Martina Muzi, Italy
meson ro studio, Italy
Michael Leung, Hong Kong
Michela Pasquali, Italy
Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas, Lithuania/USA
OrtiAlti, Italy
Otobong Nkanga, Nigeria/Belgium
Rirkrit Tiravanija, USA/Thailand
Volumezero, Italy
Sponsor tecnico: Coldiretti Basilicata
Community gardens: "Giardino dei MOMenti", "Giardino Spighe Bianche", "Giardino Agoragri", "Giardino L’erba del vicinato", "Giardino Namastè" in Matera and "Giardino Boschetto orizzontale" in Potenza.
Community gardens of the Region: in Barile, Bernalda-Metaponto, Campomaggiore, Castelsaraceno, Chiaromonte, Cirigliano, Irsina, Lavello, Maschito, Montemilone, Muro Lucano, Oliveto Lucano, Palazzo San Gervasio, Pietragalla, Pietrapertosa, Rapone, Rionero in Vulture, Salandra, San Costantino Albanese, San Mauro Forte, Sasso di Castalda, Stigliano, Vaglio, Vietri di Potenza.