Open call to present your game for FUSION Urban Games Festival!
Update 3 October 2019
The results of the Call for Artists are available online.
Are you a game designer? Would you like to present your game or your workshop for the first edition of Fusion - Urban games festival?
This open call, published jointly by Matera 2019 and Plovdiv 2019, is the right occasion to present your game or your workshop and apply to participate in the first edition of Fusion - Urban games festival! During two weekends (25-27 October 2019 in Plovdiv, and 31 October - 2 November 2019 in Matera) we will explore crowded streets and forgotten corners, blooming parks and concrete jungles, steep hills and mysterious undergrounds. With combined forces of local experts (citizens of Plovdiv and Matera) and urban game designers from all around the world, we will create fusion and try to discover again and rethink urban spaces in two cities. Games make it as easy to test different ways of designing the city, solving social problems, living together, being together close or distanced. Games are a tool to help us understand complex systems that make up our everyday life: they are to be treated as a new form of being together, of communicating and of self-experience.
For Matera and Plovdiv, the European Capital of Culture 2019 games and, in this case, urban games have always been considered as important tools of social activation, of territorial inclusion and as sustainable ways of creating a network virtuous citizens. In pursuit of the objectives envisaged by the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation Dossier and the Plovdiv 2019 Foundation, they intend to co-produce the FUSION Urban Games Festival, with the aim of enhancing the territories through the rediscovery and revelation of the city dimensions and criteria for the proposal of a stable network of permanent and temporary citizens interested in active participation in civil life.
Before submiting your application please read all the information you will find in the dedicated section under Transparent Administration. Click here to apply.
If you have any further question, please write at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application deadline: 22 September 2019, at 23:59.