The first Matera 2019 community projects are growing
The number of community projects that the commission has deemed suitable from all of those proposed by citizens for citizens, and constructed thanks to the support of communities that network and share resources and enthusiasm, rises to 18. Some of these projects are scheduled to take place on several dates: there are already 38 days of events planned for the initial projects.
One of the most interesting aspects of the selected community projects is the regional dimension of the outputs. These initiatives are not only proposed by citizens and associations coming from municipalities throughout Basilicata, but they build bridges between distant places and realities of this region. Of the 18 projects launched, 6 will be implemented in the municipalities of Calciano, Genzano di Lucania, Miglionico, Montescaglioso, Noepoli and Pisticci, 2 have been designed by Matera institutions and will be located around the region between Barile, Ferrandina, Lauria, Potenza and Rotondella and 2 will be carried out in Matera but come from other places in Basilicata.
Since the month of April the first connections and networks that are animating the whole region have been implemented. And this is indeed the case of Basilicata in… Cammino, a project conceived by the Il Carrubo A.P.D. Sports Association in partnership with other organisations that, throughout the region, are involved in spreading the culture of walking and the discovery of the territories. Through Trekking and Nordic Walking these associations offer itineraries aimed at exploring the territory and stimulating cultural exchange and networking between participants from each municipality of Basilicata, tracing and outlining paths of regional knowledge capable of uniting the different cultures and traditions. The value of this project lies above all in the future of these ties and in the regional design that makes it possible to strengthen and disseminate knowledge that can belong to the whole region.
Of a less regional character but no less widespread is the project The city meets Carlo Levi’s “Christ Stopped at Eboli” proposed by a group of members of the UNITEP (The University of Third Age and Permanent Education) who decided to carry around the neighbourhoods of Matera the text that has forever changed the history of this city by asking for hospitality from the citizens who open their homes, their gardens, their work and living spaces to readers and participants. 6 scheduled dates, of which 3 are still to take place, can be seen at Matera Events. The first 3 meetings were held at Casa Abiusi in the heart of the Sassi Districts, at Casa Francione in the village of La Martella and in the Integrated Multi-purpose Centre of Serra Rifusa and were attended by around 200 people. Amongst the participants there are also many temporary citizens who enjoyed the rare chance of being welcomed into the homes of the Matera people and listening to the personal stories of the inhabitants that are closely linked to the stories in the famous novel by Carlo Levi.
To celebrate World Book Day, the Alloper@ Association proposes for 28 April a day dedicated to reading, a real Book Festival for avid readers and enthusiasts who can play and share books and thoughts. The programme of activities, which also includes many moments dedicated specifically to children, is based on the exchange of books (BookCrossing) with a series of devices - old televisions transformed during workshops into Librovisori - that allow participants to donate and receive books.
All the initiatives proposed within the scope of Community Projects are free admission subject to availability and can be consulted on the official platform for Matera 2019 www.materaevents.it in the section dedicated to Community Projects.