Matera Città Aperta #MCA (Matera Open City)
For one year Matera will be the door to Europe, and also its mirror. The project Matera Open City is an experiment to understand how the City, and therefore Europe, is truly 'open'.
In the main square of the City a line is drawn that divides it into two parts.
In the following days the separation becomes material, growing to become an insurmountable limit, a wall that represents the contradictions in which we live: on the one hand a hyper-connected city, on the other a reality marked by separation and inequality.
A show constructed as episodes that develops over a week.
The City is involved in a dystopian provocation, with the aim of building, over time, new utopian visions.
The goal is to light a fire on the issues of diversity, construction of barriers, the exercise of power, but also accessibility, inclusion, the demolition and overcoming of borders.
Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Matera celebrates European Culture as new walls are erected to defend old borders, from the humanitarian corridor in the Balkans, to the new wall between Mexico and the U.S.A.
Co-produced by
IAC Centro Arti Integrate
C-Fara, Italy
Ravenna Teatro, Italy
Polo Museale della Basilicata , Italy
New Art Exchange, England
Corps Citoyen , Tunisia
PAV Roma, Italy
Andrea Santantonio (director) Italy
Nadia Casamassima, (performer) Italy
Rabii Brahim, (performer) Tunisia
Lily Benromdhane (performer), Tunisia
Alessandra Crocco (performer), Italy
Annamaria D'Adamo (performer), Italy
Alessandro Miele (performer), Italy
Ali Sohna (performer), Gambia
Franck Tchagou Jerry, Cameroon
Anna Serlenga, Italy
Joseph Geoffriau, Italy
Erica Z. Galli, (script) Italy
Martina Ruggeri, (script) Italy
Soyoung Chung, (installation) South Korea
Daniele Ninarello, (choreography) Italy
Vincent Longuemare, (lights) France
Valerio Rocco Orlando (video), Italy
Teho Teardo,(music) Italy
Luca Centola, Italy
Supported by BCC Basilicata