Ariane Bieou
Ariane Bieou is now responsible of the coordination and implementation of the cultural programme of Matera-Basilicata 2019, Capitale europea della cultura. Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019. A new european adventure for an "Open Future!". "What can Matera give to Europe? and what can Europe give to Matera?" is the new motto. The millennium city is the playground, artists are mess-players, permanent and temporary inhabitants are the protagonists, co-creation is the rule-process, future is the next level.
Starting officially on the 19th of January 2019 but so much is already happening in Matera. What an amazing experience to share.
Beforehand, she worked for 15 years in Italy as qualified architect, first as associated architect and then in the management of cultural projects in the field of performing arts, particularly in designing, managing and coordinating art events in public spaces or in connection with heritage.
She was also representing the italian partnership from 2006 of IN SITU, the European network for artistic creation in public space. From 2011, she coordinated IN SITU as project manager, leaded by Lieux publics, centre national de création (Marseille – France), and ran the EU funded projects META 2011-2016, IN SITU Platform 2014-2017 and IN SITU ACT 2016-2020 gathering 25 partners from 17 countries throughout Europe. From 2003 , through five projects financed by the European Commission, the activity of IN SITU covered project launches, artistic production, European residences, transnational programming as well as the development and evaluation of pilot actions promoting mobility.
In the thread of the story...
... act with constructive state of mind and kindness,
... create, weave, share, meet, experience, move, care
... follow passions and enjoy life.