What do movies like 'La lupa' by Alberto Lattuada, the 'The Gospel According to St Matthew' by Pier Paolo Pasolini and 'The Passion' by Mel Gibson have in common?  All of them have been produced in the Sassi (Matera’s Ancient Cave Dwellings), an enchanting and inspiring location which will regain its original beauty through art.

Starting from the long-established Bella Basilicata Film Festival, the town of Bella will be decorated with twenty murals to evoke the films made in Basilicata among its streets and squares. The murals, made by Bella’s artists, will have a QR Code, which provides more details about the work and the film. And for those who love old films there will be handouts on the works, artists and film themes, which will be available during the Bella Capitale event. This will include food and wine stands, dance, music and performing arts, with many different attractions for a town as beautiful as a film.

Co-produced by

Municipality of Bella for Capital for one day