It is said that behind every great man there is always a great woman.

We do not know if this is always true, but it certainly is for Pythagoras: his wife Theano was the first mathematician in history. The legend says that upon the death of her husband, the woman directed the school he had founded and, in the mountain area that is today part of Pollino National Park, she established the summer headquarters of the Pythagorean School of Metaponto.

The place has changed today, but continues carrying her name - Teana - and being a home for great personalities. Marino di Teana, a contemporary sculptor and fine thinker, also makes the city famous. The city wants to recall these two people by opening comparisons on different topics, from cosmology to music and architecture. The main theme will be the universe observed from two points of view: regulations, namely order, and art, tied instead to the use of the senses. To realise everything, the atmosphere and turmoil of the Pythagorean school will be re-evoked, with moments of discussion, detailed study, and the art of Marino di Teana, whose monumental statues will animate the heart of the night thanks to video mapping. A Spaceship was created to search for his statues throughout the world, and a comparison will be made with the cities in France and Germany that host statues by the sculptor. It will become a pretext for starting a collective discussion on the future of the European Union.

Co-produced by
Municipality of Teana
for Capital for one day