Our go&see took us to Copenhagen to meet two international experts in l.a.r.p. (live roleplaying games) in order to see how they work and start a discussion on our project. It was a very busy and fruitful 5- day working session, which made us fly to the Danish capital from Matera as well as from Pavia, from Poland, from Sweden and Finland.

The weather was gloomy and the temperature was not exactly the one we are used to in summer but, after all, we had to work. After stopping over in Naples for a conversation with the President, we spent the first European day sharing opinions on several issues related to the project. Then, two experts in larp arrived and we went straight to the heart of the discussion.


Sergio explained the objectives of the project and the steps outlined by the Foundation, in addition to the assumptions about the outputs. Then, two producers took the floor: Bjarke Pedersen told us about various larps he performed and explained the different technical aspects, targets and organizational features. He addressed the issue of the locations and the various practical options between sets, which may be either closed or blocked off, and larps, which involve people. Then, he presented his latest creation, the hamlet.


After that, we listened to Mike Pohjola, producer of larp and other transmedia experiences. And, in order to understand how a larp works/is carried out, he guided us on a 3-hour tutorial.


The last sessions of our tour included a discussion on the possibility to cooperate and details on the production costs of a larp and on the technical profiles required.

Finally, on the last day the sun came out and, to unleash our creativity, we went for a bike ride.


Il vagabondo