Born in Florence 1989, Pietro Stori lived in Genoa and then in Rome. After obtaining the High School Diploma in Classical Studies, he got a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He then specialized in German Idealism at the Friedrich SchillerUniversität in Jena.
He took part in research projects on German Enlightenment at WestfälischeWilhelms-Universität of Münster first and then at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
He taught Italian language to migrants at the Cultural Association Insensoinverso in the suburb Magliana in Rome and collaborated with the Scuola Popolare Piero Bruno, that was set up by a group of university students aiming at fighting against school dropout.
In 2017 he was selected for the programme “Generazione cultura”, a Top Vocational Training Course organized by MiBACT (The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage) and the Luiss Business School. He then carried out a traineeship at Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation in the “Cultural area” and now he is the Assistant of the Cultural Manager Mrs. Ariane Bieou. He is in charge with the designing and the management of the Matera 2019 cultural programme.
As Project Manager, he curated the contemporary Art Exhibition MAPS at the Italian Geographical Society.