Rosa Colucci, born in Accettura (a small town in the Matera mountains),completed her schooling at the Istituto tecnico commerciale (technical and commercial high school)“S.Nitti” in Potenza and graduated in economy at the University of Bari, with first class honours.

Enrolled in the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Matera (Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Consultants of Matera), today she works as a chartered accountant and auditor with local authorities in the Basilicata region.

She has always loved to mix tradition and innovation, seeking, through continued study and research, new projects to develop with ambition and passion.

Determined and logical, she believes in things only when she touches them with her own hands; method, order and broad analytical skills are the qualities that distinguish her at work.

She loves reading in her free time and she also loves to travel, sharing new experiences with her family and long-time friends.

Her motto is: “ to get what you want, you need to do things you have never done before”.